Inbox? 0

Everyone hates dealing with email. I feel like that isn't a controversial statement, yet we all use email to manage basically everything in our lives. Buy something? Receipt in your inbox. Scheduling a meeting? At the very least, the calendar invite is coming via email. Do anything at…

Making the Kinesis Advantage 2 Zilent

I've written previously on my love for the Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard. Its form factor is by far my favorite physical layout for a keyboard, but I struggled with the noise it created, particularly locked in my small apartment during quarantine. As a result, I played around with…

Balancing Ambition and Realism

My one big goal for this year was to run a marathon. I spent months training and worked my way up to 15 extremely hilly miles every week, with a clear peaking and tapering plan leading into the event. 3 weeks from marathon day, I started to feel sick. 2…


I've written a few posts now on things that could be considered "hobbyist" interests. You might be able to tell that I spend a ton of time sitting at my desk because I can't stop writing about keyboards and headphones. At some point I&…

Effective Resolutions

Much has been written about creating effective and achievable New Year's resolutions, and still people fail. They set goals that are reasonable, measurable, and create a support system around them to help achieve their dreams, yet people consistently fail to accomplish the goals they set for themselves in…

Balancing Personal Projects and Work

Go to any tech blog or forum and you'll see them sprinkled around everywhere. "My little side project", "been working on something like X for a bit", "this reminds me of a small tool I built for myself once". These might be…

Derailed by Injury

It's been a hot minute since I've written out a post even though I've come up with some good topics to cover in the future. The problem is that I've been unable to type for extended periods over the last month or…

Overcoming Overdue Tasks

You put it off and off and eventually the pile is too embarrassing to even look at. Some tasks (like the laundry example), do have to be completed eventually, but it comes with resentment and extra stress. Some tasks don't and are forever on the todo list.…