A Week of Juicing

I've been somewhat athletically-inclined my whole life and have reasonably strong opinions on food. To maximize physical performance, you need to eat a decent amount of protein and many carbohydrates. For my personal desires, I need lots of savory food, and I tend to not react well to…

The Kitchen is No Place for Perfection

I love cooking. My younger self would never understand that sentiment, but in recent years I've really taken to my kitchen. I blame YouTube for constantly recommending Gordon Ramsey videos to me late at night when I was in college, but I find something very romantic about working…

The Pain of Losing Weight

Pictured: having fun plating a potato salad. I mentioned this in my previous post, and since I'm partially out of it from my second vaccine dose, I figured I could expand on the issues you may face when trying to lose weight. At the beginning of the year,…

Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread

I don't think I want this blog to turn into a recipe outlet, but at the moment it's all I can think of that will fill my desired 5+ minute post goal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've baked quite a bit of sourdough in the last year…

Shockingly Easy Chocolate Tart

A few weekends ago I made a disappointing lemon tart and wanted to right my wrongs. Energized by a round of YouTube recipe bingeing, I decided to try my hand at a chocolate ganache tart. I was completely blown away. Delicious, idiot-proof, flaky pastry on my very first try. A…