Even Simple Wordle Solvers are Pretty Good

You're likely pretty familiar with Pareto principle, even if you don't associate it with that name. It's often referred to as the 80-20 rule and describes the phenomenon that about 80% of results come from about 20% of the work. When prioritizing software projects,…

Don't Learn a Language with TDD

Last year I decided to try and learn the Rust programming language. It's been all the rage online (for good and bad reasons) and felt like something I should try out before passing judgment on. It was going to be the first language I learned after becoming a…

First Impressions of Rust

Rust [https://www.rust-lang.org] is a new-age programming language promising extreme speed without the dangers of using a low-level, memory-managed language like C. It's an extremely exciting language and gaining adoption very quickly, so much so that the HackerNews is regularly dominated by posts of people showing…